KamNIIKIGS has completed another stage of hydrocarbons study at north-western territories of Volga-Ural oil and gas bearing province

The Kama Scientific and Research Institute of Complex Study of Deep and Ultradeep Wells has completed the monitoring of the current state of geological exploration works and resources of oil, gas and condensate in the northern and western areas of the Volga-Ural oil and gas bearing province.

Rosgeology reported that the studied were held on the territory of the Kirov, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Perm regions and Udmurtia.

In the framework of the project the changes of results of geological exploration for oil and gas held in 2013-Q3 2015 were analyzed.

The conclusions of the state of the fund of prepared for drilling objects were made.

The head of the department of geology and oil and gas bearing of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province of the Kama Scientific and Research Institute of Complex Study of Deep and Ultradeep Wells, N. Sosnin, said that on the results of studies the potential areas of oil and gas accumulation were found out.

The Institute recommended 6 sites of the undistributed subsoil fund at which it is possible to start the oil search works.

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