Gazprom is ready to help Rosneft in drilling in the Kara Sea

Gazprom is ready to help Rosneft in drilling in the Kara Sea, Bloomberg reports referring to the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the holding, A. Medvedev.

Russia has the platforms for drilling at the Arctic shelf, they report referring to the Vice Minister of Energy, K. Molodtsov. For example, the Arcticheskaya platform was built last year. The operator is Gazflot. They are 8 Russian platforms in total able to operate in the conditions like the Kara Sea. Russia possesses a drilling ship in the Arcticmornefterazvedka, the Arcticheskaya platform is completed by 90-95% in Arkhangelsk. It operates curently in the Baltic Sea under the contract with Lukoil, two more ice-proof platforms Severnoye Siyaniye and Polyarnaya Zvezda were built by Gazflot for the Shtokman project. The latter hold drilling in the Okhotsk Sea now.

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