The management at “KazMunaiGaz-processing and marketing” is replaced

D.Tiesov has been appointed the CEO of “KazMunaiGaz-processing and marketing” JSC by the decision of the Board of Directors, dated August 2, 2013.

“D.Tiesov is one of the top-rank professionals of “KazMunaiGaz” Group of companies. I am confident that the new management is going to drive the company and JSC “KazMunaiGaz-processing and marketing” will reach high level of quality,” D.Berlibaev, the first deputy chairman of the Board of Management for Corporate Development of “KazMunaiGaz” noted.

D.Tiesov was employed in the position of deputy chairman of the Board of Management for processing and petrochemistry in KazMunaiGaz before the assignment.

Daniyar Tiesov was born December 6, 1970. He is married and has 5 children.

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