Chisinau: Moldavian-Romanian gas line Iaşi-Ungheni is not against Russia

The construction of the Romanian-Moldavian Iaşi-Ungheni gas pipeline is targeted not against Russia but “to the Republic of Moldova in order to provide for energy safety and competitive prices”, the vice-PM, Moldavian Minister of the Economy, Valery Lazer claimed during his visit to Ungheni district of Moldavia.

Lazer got acquainted with the course of preparation for the construction and visited Zagarancea settlement where the construction will start on August 27th. As reported by the vice-PM, the project of Iaşi-Ungheni gas line is “logical from the point of economy, as it is targeted to the provision for the country’s energy safety as well as commercial alternative to natural gas deliveries”. At the same time, Lazer had noted, “If there is economic rationality we can transport gas to Romania and this does not mean that the gas pipeline will be constructed against someone. It will be constructed to provide for the energy safety of Moldova and access to alternative sources of natural gas”.

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