The adventures of Russian oil producers with China: waiting for a happy ending?

Western sanctions on Russian oil and gas sector can be divided into two groups - the financial and the technological. In addition to the entered restrictions on exports of equipment necessary for the development of hard-to-recover oil and hydrocarbon reserves on the shelf to Russia a partial ban on the provision of services to western companies, related to the aforementioned activities of national vertically integrated companies. Also, many of the major representatives of the sector were directly hit by the sanctions that restrict their access to Western markets and long-term financing. Those companies that do not fall directly under the sanctions, nevertheless faced with the negative, caused by them, whether it was the rising cost of financing or decrease in the market lending to Russian companies because of the increased risks. In this situation companies have to rely on the domestic capital market, state aid, as well as the capital markets of Asia-Pacific countries that have not acceded to the sanctions.

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