Gazprom not to develop China from “two ends"

The China’s disinterest the in “western route” of gas supplies may save a unique national park in Altai, but the Khasan region of the Primorye is still under threat.

Gazprom hasn’t managed to develop the Chinese market from “two ends” – due to the construction of the gas pipelines Altai and Power of Siberia. The Chinese disinterests in so-called “western route” (the construction of the Altai gas pipeline), which was shown during the March visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russia, may save the unique national park in Altai - plateau Ukok, which is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Golden mountain of Altai” from 1998, and the national park “Rest zone Ukok” from 2005. At the same time, the Gazprom’s plans to develop the export “eastern route”, connected with the construction of an LNG plant in Primorye, still threaten unique nature of the Khasan region of the Primorye, the RIA PrimaMedia reports, referring to publications in some mass media.

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