The Krasnodar region to prepare for the ceremony of the first welding within the construction project of the South Stream gas pipeline

The Krasnodar region prepares for the start of the implementation of the construction project of the South Stream gas pipeline. The ceremony of the first welding of the marine part will take place on December 7th near Anapa.

To implement the plans of the creation of a new scale system to supply gas to consumers of the European Union, a joint venture South Stream Transport was created – it includes Gazprom, Italian Eni, French EDF  (Electricite de France) and German Wintershall Holding GmbH.

As the Head of the Informational Policy Department of South Stream Transport, Sebastian Saas reported to a correspondent of the ITAR-TASS, the marine part of the South Stream gas pipeline will be laid from the Russian Black Sea coast near Anapa through the Turkish Exclusive economic zone in the sea to the Bulgarian coast near Varna. “It will directly and reliably connect the richest deposits of natural gas in Russia and the countries of the Central and South-East Europe. The gas pipeline will be laid at deep water directly on the seabed. The through capacity of the sea gas pipeline with length of about 900 km will make up 63 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year and, according to calculations, this will completely provide 30 million of European enterprises with gas. The maximum depth of the gas-pipeline system is 2250 meters, the number of springs is 4 and through capacity of each of them is 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The length of one section of the gas pipeline is 12 meters and the number of pipes for one spring is 77500,” – the company’s representative noted the technical characteristics of the project.

The industrial operation of the South Stream is scheduled for the end of 2015, when the through capacity will make up 15.75 billion cubic meters per year. Little by little, it will grow and reach the planned level of 63 billion cubic meters by the end of 2018. The gas pipeline is expected to give 10% of the total gas volume, used in the European Union, by 2020.

South Stream Transport stressed than the saving of the Black Sea’s ecosystem is one of the priorities of the project implementation. Every country, in which water the gas pipeline will be laid, will assess the impact on the environment. This assessment will meet the requirements of the Convention of the UNECE and and the Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, and also comply with national standards of all states participating in the project , transmits.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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