Perm company will supply fitting pipes to Gazprom Drilling for 5.9 million rubles

The group of companies ‘Perm Company for Oil Machine Building’ will supply in September casing swages to Gazprom Drilling for 5.9 million rubles. This equipment will be used at Chayandy in Yakutia, Kovykta and Hhandinskoye in the Irkutsk region, and Tambey in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous area.

The casing swages are meant for adjustment of the length of the drilling column when drilling oil and gas wells. The connecting parts of the drilling instrument prevent geological complications when drilling wells.

Perm Company for Oil Machine Building has been making products for oil production, chemical, nuclear and aviation industries since 1993. One of the main directions is production of equipment for oil wells drilling and oil production. Its partners are Rosneft, Eurasia drilling company and Lukoil.

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