Tatneft’s rates in February and the first 2 months of 2015

Oil production
In February, Tatneft produced 2 019 396 tons of oil - 100.6% against February 2014; in the first two months – 4 252 894 tons, which is by 23.063 tons more than in 2014 (100.5%).
The group of companies of Tatneft produced 4 301 296 tons of oil (100.6%; + 24 078 tons as compared to last year).

New drilling
In the first two months of 2015, the new drilling made up 81.6 thousand meters (in 2014 - 62.7 thousand meters). 65.4 thousand meters of them were drilled for Tatneft (in 2014 - 50.1 thousand meters), including drilling on bitumen - 1.8 thousand meters; operating drilling - 59 thousand meters and exploration drilling – 4.6 thousand meters.
The drilling for Tatneft-Samara was 0.2 thousand meters (in 2014 - 1 thousand meters), including 0.2 thousand meters of exploratory drilling.
36 wells were built and delivered to customers (in 2014 - 41 wells), 25 wells of them for Tatneft (in 2014 - 28 wells), including drilling for bitumen - 1 well, operating drilling - 22 wells and exploration drilling - 2 wells.
1 well was drilled for Tatneft-Samara (in 2014 - 1 well), it was exploratory drilling.

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