LNG plans of Rosneft

As Rosneft has had problems with purchase of a drilling company North Atlantic Drilling, the state-owned company began to consider another deal with structures of shipping magnate John Fredriksen. Now we are talking about a possible purchase of two floating plants to produce liquefied natural gas. This technology is considered to be one of the most promising, but sources are not sure what the deal will be approved by Rosneft’s Board. Analysts also believe that at this stage the company's interest in such vessels is "academic", the Kommersant writes.

On Thursday, Rosneft and Golar LNG - a major producer of LNG carriers - announced the signing of an agreement of understanding. According to Golar, we are talking about the possible supply of two floating LNG plants to Rosneft to work under the terms of tolling. One ship can be used in the project of Rosneft in Latin America, another plant location is not determined.

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