GE announces prolongation of service contract costing $333 for construction of LNG plant for Sakhalin 2 project

GE Oil & Gas has announced about prolongation of its service contract costing $333 for construction of LNG plant for Sakhalin 2 project within 16 years. It’s one of the world largest integrated oil and gas projects. The contract puts particular attention to liabilities of GE connected with the use of the local resources and citizens for construction of the capacities that promises economic advantages for Sakhalin and the entire Russia.

They announced about prolongation of the contract at Russia Power 2013 Exposition in Moscow. GE announced about signing of the protocol for mutual understanding with the Government of the Sakhalin region. The content of the document was aimed to joint operation for designing of the power supplying projects for provision of the future energy needs of Sakhalin. The protocol for mutual understanding analyzes a wide range of technological decisions of GE, including the technologies of gas turbines GE at the base of aviation engines, gas engines, equipment of coal gasification and wind energy.

Prolongation of the service contract is active for 4 gas turbines GE Frame 7EA that move technological lines of  Sakhalin LNG plant, the first enterprise of such kind in Russia, and 5 gas turbine GE Frame 5 used for power production for local needs.

Sakhalin Energy realizes the project Sakhalin 2 on the basis of PSA closed with the RF. Production capacity of the plant is 9.6 million ton of LNG annually, and most of the volume is exported to Korea and Japan.

The service contract with Sakhalin Energy about technical maintenance and service provision for gas turbines of Sakhalin Energy plant was approved by the shareholders and the main Russian partners. It will add 2 cycles to the active service contract, and will help to provide granting of more products and will be a large step in the use of local resources.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya


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