PKNM to supply thick-wall pipes and square hubs to “Targin Drilling”

​“Perm company of oil car manufacturing” GC (PKNM) will produce thick-wall pipes and square hubs for the total amount of over 25 mln roubles for “Targin Drilling”.

The specification of the tender presupposes the presence of hard banding – wear-resistant bands out of firm alloy – on the surface of the pull end of drilling pipes. The complex of their physical and mechanic characteristics extends the durability and minimizes the wear-out of external diameters of pipes.

The production capacities the enterprise allow to execute the additional requirement to products – inner polymer coating which reduces the wear-out of the surface of a hole of a tool and gives an opportunity to drill a well with the minimal hydraulic losses, CEO of PKNM Ltd, V. Zharennikov, said.

The products supply meant for the West-Siberian expedition of deep drilling is planned for November-December 2015.

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