The Russian Government has specified in favor of Gazprom and Rosneft the rules for payment of minimum single-time payments for the sites granted on non-tender basis

The Russian Government has specified in favoor of Gazprom and Rosneft on the rules for the payment of minimal single-time payments for the sites granted on a non-tender basis. The Russian Premier,D. Medveded signed the corresponding order on July 30th. Earlier the single-time payment was charged only in case of discovery of a deposit for such sites. According to the new amendments, the minimum single-time payments for the use of the sites granted on non-tender basis can be charged not only in case of discovery of a deposit but also when granting the licenses for shelf and gas deposits that are strategicly important for the oil and gas sector. The Government stipulates that the minimum single-time payment will be charged if the sites need geological exploration, and do not have discovered deposits while granting the licenses.

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