Russian metallurgical and engineering companies fight against imports

Russian manufacturers of trucks and machinery and aluminum companies lobby for a ban on import of second-hand machinery from Europe and China. Now the import takes two-thirds of the market, which only in trailers is 160 billion rubles per year and continues to grow as vehicles wins competition with railways. The companies have already managed to convince the Ministry of Economy, which promoted a ban of the import of trailers weighing over 3.5 tons for personal use at the level of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). But it will be difficult to ban imports within the WTO.

Cheboksary manufacturer of specialized equipment Sespel (controlled by CEO Vladimir Bakshaevu) and UC Rusal of Oleg Deripaska have asked to limit the import of used trailers and semi-trailers, tanker trucks and other specialized equipment, sources of the Kommersant report. According to them, in March, the Ministry of Economy held a meeting on the subject with participation of representatives of companies and Alcoa Russia (a subsidiary of American Alcoa). It was proposed to limit the supply "with non-tariff measures and technical regulation", such as a ban on the import of equipment based on the 21st article of the GATT "Security Exceptions", consider special equipment, which is more than three years, “production and consumption waste”, to prohibit its importation by individuals for personal use and limit its use in the Russian Federation. Krasnogorsk machinery plant Betsema (50% of its shares belong to Dutch Begemann Russland BV and 31.2% to Vladimir and Sergei Trifonov) is also interested in restriction of the import. The Ministry of Economy and the companies confirmed the meeting.

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