Karpatygaz to invest 1.2 billion hryvnias into increase of gas production

This year, Karpatygaz plans to invest about 1.2 billion hryvnias into projects on the increase of gas production within joint activity with the largest gas producer in the Ukraine Ukrgazvydobuvannya, Karpatygaz’s financial director, Artur Somov reported to journalists during around table.

“Just this year, we plan to invest about 1.1-1.2 billion hryvnias into acquisition of equipment and construction of gas-compressor stations,” – Somov said.

He noted that this year the company planned to launch nine booster gas-compressor stations that would allow the company to maintain the gas production at a high level.

Somov also reported that Karpatygaz produced 680 million cubic meters of gas in 2013, noted that they weren’t able to launch the planned number of compressor stations because of excessive bureaucratization and corruption in governmental bodies.

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