Issue of Gazprom’s export monopoly may be solved before autumn

The results of the meeting of the FEC Presidential Commission, which was held in Astrakhan on the eve, has become a 12-page document with instructions for appropriate agencies.
The discussions on the issues in the instructions have'nt been completed yet.
The main instruction is to hold a meeting with participation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on possible gas export schemes by independent producers to China in the coming months.

Two alternatives were proposed, a participant of the meeting says.
The first one is the purchase of independent producers’ gas, extracted in the east of the country, at the price equally profitable with the export one, excluding taxes and transportation costs, by Gazprom. This scenario reserves Gazprom’s monopoly on pipe.

The second variant is the creation of a consortium on the construction of the gas pipeline infrastructure by the independent producers to increase the supplies to China with the probability of the failure of Gazprom's monopoly on pipeline gas exports in this direction.

The extension of the gas transportation network in the east of Russia is necessary to increase the export to the Asia-Pacific region’s countries.

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