Gazprom to expect start of production at Ipati and Aquio blocks in Bolivia in 2016

Gazprom expects that the industrial production at the Ipati and Aquio blocks in Bolivia will start in 2016; and in 2014 the geological exploration at the Azeri block is planned to be started, the magazine Gazprom reports.

In 2008, Gazprom and Bolivian EPFB signed agreements on study of the potential of the Sunchal and Azeri blocks. In turn, Total E&P Bolivie let Gazprom have a share of its participation in the Ipati and Aquio blocks; by then a gas deposit at the depth of 5.4-6.5 km had been discovered in the territory of the first one. In 2011, a gas field was discovered at the Aquio block.

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