In 2015, shareholders of Sibir-Polyimetals to make a decision on reorganization of the company

Shareholders of Sibir-Polymetals (a part of UGMK-Holding) will consider the only question at at the extraordinary meeting, scheduled for January 20, 2015, - reorganization of the metallurgical company.

According to the issuer, the meeting will be held in absentia. The register of the shareholders will be closed as of December 12, 2014.

The list of information, which will be sent to the company’s shareholders, includes a draft decision on joint-stock company, study the conditions and procedure of reorganization, the draft deed of transfer, annual reports and annual financial statements of Sibir-Polymetals for the last three completed financial years, information on candidates to the executive body, auditors and registrars of this joint-stock company.

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