Sakhalin Energy asks the court to postpone legal proceedings on the suit of Rosneft

Sakhalin Energy, the operator of Sakhalin-2 project, has made an application to the arbitration court for the postponement of legal proceedings on the suit of Rosneft for the granting of itaccess to the gas pipeline belonging to Sakhalin-2. The preliminary session was planned for August 6th.

In July, Rosneft appealed to the court against Sakhalin Energy with the demand to provide access to the spare capacities of the gas pipeline belonging to Sakhalin-2. Gazprom owning the controlling shareholding in Sakhalin Energy was attracted as the third body not folling doing their request. Taking into account the point of claim, Rosneft request that Sakhalin Energy should grant it access to Sakhalin-2 pipeline for transporting of 8 billion cubic m of gas from the Lunskoye coastal technical complex to the branch for the site in the Ilyinskoye settlement where an LNG plant will be built.

Earlier FAS warned Sakhalin Energy, under the corresponding enquiry of Rosneft, about the need to try Rosneft’s applications by July 31st 2014 and to close the contract for adjustment to its pipeline system in case of its economical or technical ability.

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