ConocoPhilips has put on sales its shareholding in Polyarnoye Siyaniye, the joint venture with Rosneft

ConocoPhilips has put up for sale its 50% shareholding in Polyarnoye Siyaniye, the joint venture with Rosneft. The company gives no details. It’s not a strategicy asset within the global portfolio of ConocoPhillips.

Rosneft mades no comments about the sale of the shareholding of ConocoPhillips.

In July, СonocoPhillips announced about its readiness to follow the sanctions introduced by the US authorities against a number of the Russian citizens. However the company gave no answer how the sanction would influence the business of СonocoPhillips in Russia and its cooperation with Rosneft. Within the last few years, the company has considerably reduced investment to Russia. СonocoPhillips is not the operator of the deposits.

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