Trafigura to fight with Rosneft for a stake in Essar Oil

​Trafigura is negotiating on the purchase of the minority stake in the Indian oil processing company Essar Oil. Rosneft also plans to purchase a stake in it.

Trafigura is interested in the purchase of at least 15% of Essar.

The owners of Essar plan to sign the deal by the next month.

The owners of Essar would like to sign up to 30% of Essar to the trader.

As a part of the deal Trafigura might also obtain stake in more than 2,000 fuel stations of Essar, energy station and port Vadinar.

Essar holds the second largest oil refinery plant in India, the processing capacity of which is 20 mln tons a year, complexity index is 11.8  that is one of the highest in the world. The Vadinar oil refinery is able to process heavy sorts of oil, has the access to the deep water port that can accept VLCC tankers of high capacity.

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