The partners in Shakh-Deniz development are going to join TAP within 30 days after admission of the decision about selection of the project

The partners in the Shakh-Deniz development are going to join TAP within 30 days after the agreement on the decision about the selection of the project for gas transporting from Shakh-Deniz 2 to Europe.

BP, Total and SOCAR can join TAP within 30 days after the agreement on the decision. Each member of the consortium for Shakh-Deniz development has the right to purchase the shares of TAP , that can finally gain them up to 50% of TAP shares in the total.

It’s unclear now how the final structure of TAP shareholding will look like concerning the interest from the other shareholders, such as the Belgian Fluxys that has expressed its interest in joining  TAP after selection of Shakh-Deniz by the consortium.

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