In the first 6 months, Tatneft lays 425 km of corrosion-resisting pipes and 2,328.9 tons of corrosion inhibitors

Tatneft is implementing a group of actions, to provided for stable and fail-safe work of oil field facilities to provide ecological safety of oil production.

In the first six months of 2013, Tatneft layed 425 km of corrosion-resisting pipes and 2,328.9 tons of corrosion inhibitors. As the company’s press centre explains, use of such pipes, as well as use of inhibitory and electrochemical corrosion protection which significantly increases the safety of oil field facilities.

124 wells were equipped with cathodic protection, and electrochemical corrosion protection of 270.9 km of pipelines and anticorrosion protection of the internal surface of 7 steel vertical tanks were carried out.

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