In 2014, Gazpromneft and Zarubezhneft to invest $40.8 million into exploration of Bosnia and Herzegovina

In 2014, the company Jadran Naftagas, a joint venture of the Gazpromneft’s subsidiary Serbian NIS and the Russian company NeftegazInCor, which is the subsidiary of Zarubezhneft, will invest $40.7 million into geological exploration in the territory of the Republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gazpromneft reported.

Jadran Naftagas started to drill an exploratory well next to Obudobats (Samac municipality) in the Republic of Srpska (autonomy within Bosnia and Herzegovina). This is the first well, which will be drilled within concession on geological exploration and hydrocarbon production, concluded with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining in 2011.

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