AFK Systema is interested in oil chemicals assets


AFK Systema is interested in the development in other large spheres such as oil chemicals, fertilizers or agriculture, despite of its involvement in the traditional telecommunications and oil spheres, Reuters reported referring to the President of the company M. Shamolin in the interview to the channel Insider TV.
The question is what the third asset sphere will be that we want to develop together with MTS and Bashneft. We have a serious wish to develop another large business, he said. We are looking at several sectors – oil chemicals, fertilizers, agriculture and others, Mr. Shamolin added.
According to the newspaper "Ведомости", Systema was interested in the possibility to purchase Toliattiazot and Sibur-minudobrenie, Eurochem reported today on its intention to purchase them. AFK Systema in early-April 2009 completed the deal on the purchase of the controlling packages of Bashkiria’s oil enterprises. The management over the assets of the Bashkir fuel and energy complex is transferred to Bashneft that now holds 61.91% of the Ufa oil refinery plant’s registered capital, 67.17% of Novoil and 60.54% of Bashkirnefteprodukt, 47.18% of Ufaneftechem’s shares, 51.49% of Ufaorgsintez’s registered capital. Moreover, Systema controls a 17.5% package of the Government of Bashkiria in Polyef, writes.
Translated by Galiya Davletgareeva 

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