There is no way to Russia for Iranian oil because of logistics problems

The Russian Government discusses a new scheme of possible supplies of Iranian oil to Russia. The Ministry of Energy will choose a certified company, which will be engaged in these operations, some trader, registered in Russia, is likely to be such a company. But it is unclear what will be with the Iranian oil: neither route of its supply, nor possible buyers were determined.

Russia and Iran have made progress in the negotiations on the supply of Russian goods in exchange of Iranian oil in advance of the lifting of sanctions on Tehran, Reuters reported yesterday, referring to a source that is close to the negotiations. The total amount of the contract may be $20 billion. Yesterday, the Russian Government declined to comment. Sources of the Kommersant that are close to it say that “the negotiations are in the process, it’s far from any specific decisions”, confirmed plans to buy 500 thousand barrels of Iranian oil per day (about 70 thousand tons).

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