Importance of supplies of Caspian gas to Europe to increase

Project of Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), providing for transportation of gas from the Azerbaijani field Shah Deniz (which reserves are estimated at 1.2 trillion cubic meters) to Europe via Turkey, has promising prospects and is very interesting for Europe, ex- president of SOCAR and expert economist Sabit Bagirov said.

Let’s recall that relatively recently the project was discussed at the forum "Southern Gas Corridor: opportunities and challenges" in Brussels.

At the same time, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his support for the SGC project during the meeting of the Council of the EU –USA on energy issues in Brussels, noted the importance of its implementation for Europe; and Azerbaijani gas, produced within the second stage of the development of the Shah Deniz field, is considered as the main source of the supplies.

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