The Governor of Ugra invited the German companies to participate in the APG processing.

The region plans to reach the 95% level of associated gas processing.

Natalya Komarova, the governor of Ugra, took part in the plenary session of the Russian-German VII raw materials conference, which is taking place in Dresden. As the press service of the Governor of Ugra reported to "the New Region", during her speech Natalya Komarova separately pointed out the process relating to the organization of raw materials processing and the promotion of environmental production standards.

So, in 2013 the utilization index of the associated petroleum gas in Ugra reached 91.4 percent. It is assumed that in 2014 the Autonomous District companies will come to the bar of 95 percent. "The center for cluster development was created in Ugra and the gas processing cluster is formed in order to consolidate the industry innovators. The non-profit partnership "Ugra gas processing cluster" coordinates its work. new technologies in gas processing and their subsequent translation into commercial operation will be tested on this site. The partnership already includes a number of energy companies, the Ugra Technopark, "Skolkovo" resident companies are involved in joint projects. Our foreign colleagues are also invited to join this work. Currently the cooperation in the field of mobile piston power plants, designed for small volumes of associated gas, are established between Ugra and Germany", - the governor stated, expressing the hope that the relations between Russia and Germany will develop further on the site of the Ugra cluster.

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