583.3 mln tons of ore to be processed in Karaganda region after GOK’s reconstruction

A complex plan of development will give a new impetus to all the spheres of Zhezkagan, Satpaev and Ulytau regions, the head of the Karaganda region, N. Abdibekov, said.

The new head of the Karaganda region visited the Zhezkagan region so as to check how a complex plan of development is realized in the industrial region. The first object to visit is the South-Zhezkagan mine and a geological exploration point as the expansion of the raw mineral base of Kazakhmys is one of the points of the complex plan.

“The measures taken by the Government already allow to expand the ore basis of Kazakhmys for 50-55 years of stable operation. There is a tremendous layer of unexplored or requiring exploration geological reserves”, the head of the Karaganda region, N. Abdibekov, said.

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