Uzbekneftegas completes construction of facilities at two gas condensate deposits costing $310 million

The National holding company Uzbekneftegas has completed the construction of the facilities at two gas condensate fields in the Kashkadarya region – Samantepa and South Urtabulak costing $310 million, a source in the Government reported to the RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

The source specified that a gas pipeline South Urtabulak–to the Mubarek gas-processing plant with the length of 71 km was constructed within the project – it will enable the transport of 5.5 billion cubic meters of gas per years for its further processing at the gas-processing plant. A boosting compressor station with capacity of up to 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year was also built. The subdivisions of Uzbekneftegas were general contractors of the construction.

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