Oil workers are sold out at the market – Alfa-Group picks up the financier of Rosneft

As the Kommersant has discovered, The Alfa-group, which created L1 Energy fund for investments into the oil and gas industry,has employed the former Rosneft Vice President of Finance, Dmitry Avdeev. He is considered one of architects of the deal on the acquisition of BP-TNK by Rosneft and impressed his new employers during the negotiations. The structures of Alfa-group took not very many of the numerous managers of BP-TNK, who are leaving the company from the end of 2012, but others successfully got jobs in other companies.

The former Rosneft Vice President of Finance, Dmitry Avdeed, who left the company in March, has found a new position. He will be in charge of finance in the L1 Energy fund, created by Alfa-Group for investments into oil and gas projects, asource, who is familiar with the situation, told the Kommersant. Dmitry Avdeev came to Rosneft in June of 2012 – just after the former Vice Prime Minister Igor Sechin headed the company. Then Rosneft started the negotiations on the purchase of BP-TNK from the AAR consortium (Alfa-Group, Access and Renova) and BP.

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