In 2014, Beltransgas may buy 23 billion cubic meters of gas from Gazprom for $4.3 billion

Gazprom’s shareholders are to approve 85 interested-party transactions at the annual meeting on June 28; one of the largest one is a contract on purchase of 23 billion cubic meters of gas by Gazprom transgas Belarus from Gazprom for $4.255 billion in 2014, the meeting’s documents say.

According to the contract, approved at the previous meeting, in 2013 Gazprom transgas Belarus may also buy 23 billion cubic meters for $4.1 billion. According to the contracts that are presented to Gazprom’s shareholders for approval, in 2014 Beltransgas will render services on gas transit in the amount of not more than 50 billion cubic meters through Belarus (in 2013 – not more than 60 billion cubic meters). Gazprom must pay for gas transportation via the main gas pipelines to the maximum amount of $600 million.

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