A port for the export of 20 million tons of coal production a year might be built at Sukhodol bay in Primorye

The construction cost of the terminal will make up about 18 billion roubles.

A special port for the export of 20 million tons of coal production a year is planned to be built at Sukhodol bay in the Primorsky Krai to ease an approach to a port infrastructure of small and midsized coal producers. The calculated value of a coal terminal construction will make up about 18 billion roubles. The deputy Minister of Transport of Russia O.Belozerov said at a meeting of a state committee for social-economic development of the Far East, the republic of Buryatia, the Zabaykalsky Territory and the Irkutsk region, RIA PrimaMedia reports citing the press-service of the Government of the Russian Federation.

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