Russian oil products are under embargo in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh authorities, as they were threatening to do, will restrict the imports of petroleum products from Russia for 45 days from March 5th. During the previous period, 200 thousand tons of petrol and oil were imported in the country, which due to devaluation of the ruble became much cheaper than local petrol and diesel fuel. But, according to the Kommersant’s information, this won’t much touch Russian oil companies: in anticipation of the embargo, they were able to make stocks. Astana also intended to prohibit imports of a number of food products from Russia, but for a while this decision hasn’t been accepted.

From March 5th, "the convention prohibition" on the import of Russian oil products will be introduced in Kazakhstan, the Deputy Minister of Energy, Magzum Mirzagaliev said yesterday. It will be in force during 45 days, and then will be removed. In his letter to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan the Deputy Prime Minister Uzakbai Karabalin explains ban with "surplus of Russian oil products".

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