Gazpom’s affiliate in Nizhny Novgorod has reduced profit by 2.7 times

​The net profit of “Gazprom mezhregiongas Nizhny Novgorod” under RAS on the results of 2014 fell by 2.7 times, the company reports.

The sales profit made up 382.705 mln roubles (-42.9%), pre-tax profit – 217.984 mln roubles, it fell by twice.

The revenue made up 32.336 bln roubles, by 3.3% more than in 2013. The revenue from gas sale amounted to 26.68 bln roubles, +3.1%.

In April-May 2013 the citizens of Kulebaka made a claim to the Kulebaka Prosecutor’s Office of the Nizhny Novgorod region against the actions of “Gazprom mezhregiongas Nizhny Novgorod” upon the full restriction of gas supply to the city’s boiler houses.

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