In 2014 LUKOIL reduces its net income under US GAAP by 11.4%.Analysts say

Over the last year the revenue of Lukoil, according to analysts,will increase by 1.14% - up to 143.077 billion dollars. LUKOIL will issue statements under US GAAP for Q4 2014 on Tuesday, March 3.

In 2014 the net profit of Russia's largest private oil company OAO "LUKOIL" under US GAAP decreased by 11.4% compared with the previous year - to about 6.934 billion dollars, according to a consensus forecast compiled by RIA Novosti from the survey of analysts.

According to "VTB Capital" analysts, performance of the company was expected to be relatively strong, despite the negative impact of low oil prices and the negative effect due to the peculiarities of calculating the amount of export duties.

Deutsche Bank analysts give the maximum net profit forecast for Q4 – $3.03 billion, the minimum - "Investkafe" experts ($0.49 billion). The net profit forecasts of LUKOIL for Q4 2014 (in billions of dollars) are as follows:

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