Gazprom and Rosatom to determine the fate of Turkish Stream and Akkuyu

​The decision of the Government of Russia to shut down the functioning of the Russia-Turkey Intergovernmental Committee doesn’t mean the freezing of large investment projects such as Turkish Stream or Akkuyu nuclear power plant, the Minister of Economic development of Russia, A. Ulyukaev, said.

The decisions are to be made by the economic entities. But meanwhile one can say that the projects exist, he said.

Speaking about large investment projects, meanwhile no decisions of their freezing, delay or termination of financing have been made. So they exist in the form they existed until the respective order was made, the Minister said.

Speaking about the influence of the termination of functioning of the Intergovernmental Committee on the realization of these projects, Mr. Ulyukaev said that there is no causal-effect link. The functioning of the Intergovernmental Committee is one thing, and the operation of economic entities – Gazprom and Rosatom – is not subject to these restrictions. These are different things, and the termination of functioning of the Intergovernmental Committee doesn’t mean that all economic entities terminate their relationships, Mr. Ulyukaev said.

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