Yamal has completed hydrotesting of the first stage of the constructed pipeline Zapolyarye – Purpe

The hydraulic testing of the linear part of the first stage of the newly constructed pipeline of Zapolyarye – Purpe is completed at Yamal. They tested for density and vacuum rating the 3 divisions of the pipeline from 238 km up to 487 km.

The filling in of the pipeline began on July 17th according to the schedule of hydrotesting. Pressure was 8.9 MPa in testing for density and 5.8 MPa while testing for the vacuum rating.

The Director for the realization of the investment project ‘The pipeline system Zapolyarye – Purpe’ M. Sayapin says that the pipeline has successfully passed through the whole range of testing under all pressures that’s the sign of high quality of construction and assembly work. In the near future,  the constructors will start the inner-pipe diagnostics of the pipeline with special devices.

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