Solidarity of gas countries is not sufficient – Vladimir Putin has met gas OPEC colleagues

summit of the heads of states that export gas took place in Moscow yesterday. The special correspondent of the Kommersant, Andrei Kolesnikov states that status of the gas forum doesn’t correspond to ambitions of its participants as yet. First of all the forum has stuck in memory due to fact that Vladimir Putin compared the fugitive CIA agent Edward Snowden with Academician Sakharov.

17 countries took part in the forum. This was a scale of the event that gathered people, who are unlikely to be able to meet in any other format, in the Kremlin: their political and economic orientation is too various and often irreconcilable. The leaders of Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Bolivia, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia came to the forum.

The organization, which is called gas OPEC (especially among participants of the forum and journalists), is very ambitious, that is beyond doubt. Why did so many respected people gather for this forum? It seems that together they may completely feel their impact on world economic processes (to mistake the wish for the reality). And, of course, it’s pleasant to see that gas purchasers interpret such unit as a threatening power, which, may be or must be taken into consideration, and to be feared just in case.

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