ALROSA to resume gas negotiations with Rosneft in early 2015

ALROSA will resume negotiations with Rosneft on the sale of its gas assets in early 2015. The president of the company F.Andreev said on the sidelines of St.Petersburg International Economic Forum, reports.

“We will wait for February, drill 2 new bore holes and return to the negotiations with Rosneft,” he said and added that they did not have talks with other companies. “Various companies speak to us, but they are not negotiation. It is more likely a study of the project,” he said.

In September 2013, “Rosneft” agreed to buy oil-and-gas assets of ALROSA for $1.38 billion. The deal was planned to be clinched in Q1, 2014. However, the term was been extended until April 30th due to disagreements over price and estimation of reserves.

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