FAS permitted Gazpromneft to buy 50% of Invest-Oil

The Federal Antimonopoly Service has permitted Gazpromneft to buy 50% of Invest-Oil, belonging to Slavneft.

As of November 29, 2012 Invest-Oil owns 74.9% in the company, Stranberg Investmnets Limited – 11.57%, Select Holdings Limited – 7.7%. Indirectly, Gazpromneft and TNK-BP own Slavneft upon terms 50x50.

In December 2012, FAS asserted it prolonged the time period for consideration of a petition. The company stated then the deal was aimed at a simplification of an ownership chain of its shares in Slavneft. The structure of Slavneft does not change, the share, controlled by Gazpromneft, remains the same.

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