In the future, benchmark of Russian oil can press current Brent and WTI

Benchmark of Russian oil, which is created at the moment by the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX), Russian Energy Ministry, Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and companies can press now used Brent and WTI in the future. This was reported to journalists by advisor to the Exchange’s president Sergei Kvartalnov.

"Our goal is to take a place among the major indicators," - he stressed. "In the current situation, all the pricing for our major export flows (of oil), on what our budget depends, are in the hands of our so-called partners (Americans); it makes sense to think about how to create a more relevant quotation, more relevant mechanism to determine the fair prices for Russian oil,"- said Kvartalnov.

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