Kuibyshev oil refinery produces the first lot of isomerized product on new equipment

The first lot of isomerate, Euro-5 compliant super-petrol component has been produced on the new izomerization unit. It is said in a statement of Rosneft.

The octane number of this lot made up 88.6 points. It is up to the required design point of the octane number – not less than 88 points. The output of the first lot of the product confirms the move of the equipment of 280 thousand-tons-a-year productivity to a normal technological mode.

Izomerization unit is one of the key facilities of the Kuibyshev oil refinery, created within the framework of the large scale investment programme on modernization, which Rosneft carries out at its oil processing plants. The unit will contribute to a receipt of high-octane component – isomerate – for the production of Euro-5 compliant finished petrol with a low sulfur content, benzol and aromatic hydrocarbons.

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