KazMunaiGas: Course for Strenghtening Geological Exploration and an Increase in Competitiveness

Past years Kazakhstan has been significantly increasing the volume of works in the sphere of oil exploration which after the breakup of the USSR were reduced due to the absence of financing. The first deputy chairman of the Board of KazMunaiGas JSC, Ch. Hopkinson, speaks about what is going on in this important for the growth of assets sphere today as well as about the production innovations and the coming transformation at the national company.

Q: Could you tell us about the main directions of geological exploration and research works. What are the plans of your affiliate RD KMG on the expansion of its exploratory activity in the short-term and long-term perspective?

A: KazMunaiGas holds exploration at a number of Caspian blocks. We have held the geological-geophysical research works at the site “H”, 2D and 3D seismic exploration at the structure Rakushechny – sea, have drilled exploratory wells R-1 and N-1 at the structures Rakushechny-sea and Nursultan, basin modeling, assessment of risks as well as ranging of structures.

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