RusPetro increased monthly oil extraction to 5.3 thousand barrels in May

​The average monthly oil extraction of RusPetro rose to 5.325 thousand barrels of oil a day in May from 3.262 thousand barrels of oil a day in April.

The volumes of oil production reached 6.1 thousand barrels a day by the end of May.

RusPetro has announced of the completion of its activity at the Pad 23b deposit at the Pottymsko-Inginsky license site (Yugra). The company carried out works with horizontal wells and an inclined well.

The program of horizontal wells drilling realized within the past year allowed the group to increase the production. The group also reduced the cost of drilling while working at the horizontal sites.

RusPetro wrote off $28.2 mln out of $94.7 mln issued by “Otkrytie” bank. The company expects another tranche from the bank at the volume of up to $50 mln. Moreover, $17 mln is left out of $22.5 mln as pre-export financing made by Glencore in May.

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