Head of Russian Railways talks about political reasonability in situation with Mechel

The Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin has answered for questions of the RBK and commented on the situation around Mechel:

  • Q.What Mechel’s assets do you really interested in?
  • A.Well, what they (Mechel) say: “We can propose 321 km of house track, which is 95% constructed, its prime cost is about 70 billion rubles now”. But it isn’t known how much money is necessary to complete the construction. As a railway is not air ball or flower shop, it can be only a core asset for us. We invest into the upgrade of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian railway, and Elga makes this eastern section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline pay-your-way from the point of view of investment into upgrade. So we want Elga to work as well as possible. And then I said that we could. But there are no sources for $70 billion, no sources even for $ 7 billion in our investment program. Therefore, if the Government is interested in this, it must decide how I will have this source. This can be done through the payment to  Russian Railways’ authorized capital. That's the whole story.

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