Rosneftegas acquired 0.23% shares of Gazprom just for formal control of the company

The state-run OJSC “Rosneftegas” has informed the Federal Property Management Agency about an acquisition of 0.23% shares of “Gazprom” for 7 billion roubles. It is enough for the state to control the company formally, Vedomosti writes on Monday.

As it is noted the deal was closed at the beginning of March. At first “Rosneftegas” was to get the missing block of stock from “Gazprom” in an exchange for a share at 72 gas distributing companies (GDO). They planned that “Rosneftegas” will get 0.889% shares of “Gazprom” by exchanging them into the shares of GDO. Accordingly, the state would get a formal control over the gas holding.

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