In March, Russia produced 21.0678 million tons of crude oil
Edited by Rhod Mackenzie / 2013-04-01 02:47:08
By March 29, Russia produced 21.0678 million tons of crude oil, by 530,500 tons more than within the corresponding period of the previous month, the Central Dispatch Department of the Fuel and Energy Sector reports. Crude oil refining increased by 307,000 tons at Nizhegorodnefteorgsynthez, by 206,400 tons at Gazprom Neftechem Salavat, by 203,100 tons at Yaroslavnefteorgsynthez, by 103,100 tons at Ryazan NPK and by 76,500 tons at Khabarovsk oil refinery.
Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya