Oil exports volume from Kozmino rose 10.9% in Q1 2011

Spetsmornefteport Kozmino OOO (Vostochny port, the Primorye region) in Q1 2011 has increased the volume of the Russian oil export by 10.9% to the level of 2010 to 3.6 mln tons, the company’s press service reports.

In March 13 tankers were processed at the port that is 1.3 mln tons of ESPO mark oil, in Jan-February – 12 and 11 tankers (1.2 and 1.1 mln tons respectively). 23% of all the oil volume was shipped to Thailand, 15% to South Korea, 15% to the USA, 16% to the Philippines, 28% to Japan.

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