Mechel paid 673.2 mln roubles on 2 issues of bonds

​Mechel has settled the coupon revenue for the 11th coupon period by bonds of 13 and 14 series. The coupon revenue per bond made up 74.79 roubles at 15% per annum.

The total volume of payment by the 13 series made up 336,556,794.96 roubles, by the 14 series – 336,602,491.65 roubles.

The issues with the nominal volumes of 5 bln roubles each were made on September 7th 2010 for 10 years. The payment by the next coupon by the bonds of these series, according to the conditions of the emission, will take place on August 30th 2016 at 15% per annum.

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